Dear TiE Philadelphia Community:
First and foremost, we hope you and your families are well and healthy amid the terrible Covid-19 outbreak. This crisis has affected organizations, consumers, and investors in varying levels of unprecedented shock. The in-person interaction that we as an organization empower is virtually non-existent; however, we still are still championing the entrepreneurial ecosystem. With that, there are several things we’d like to update you on:
Chapter Events
Due to growing concerns of COVID19 and to keep our members’ health and safety at the top of our minds, TiE Philadelphia will not be hosting in-person events until further notice. As a chapter, we are exploring the best way to gather people on digital platforms while maintaining the same level of engagement from our attendees.
TYE (TiE Young Entrepreneurs)
To make the best out of the current environment, TYE has moved to a virtual platform. All students have been provided remote access computers by their respective schools. The virtual classrooms use GoToMeeting for sharing the TYE curriculum. TiE Global has announced that the 2020 global challenge this summer will also be held virtually with all teams participating via remote access. So far TYE 2020 has 12 students from various Philadelphia schools and another entire cohort being taught at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. The total participation this year will be close to 18 students and could go higher as virtual classrooms are more popular with students.
If anyone wants to listen in on the next class – you can email Suchit Bachalli for invitation guidelines and a participation request. Classes are held every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.
Global Engagement
Akin to TiE Philadelphia, chapters globally have transitioned to virtual events for the time being. As a result, we have a better means to attend events hosted in different pockets of the world virtually.
Click here to access the TiE Hub events page and filter on the dates to see all upcoming events.
Coronavirus Precaution
As you all may be aware, there is currently no accessible vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Take the following steps to protect yourself and those around you:
- Clean your hands often
- Avoid close contact
- Stay home if you’re sick
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Wear a facemark if you’re sick
- Clean and disinfect
Business News
- McKinsey: COVID-19: Implications for Business
- Harvard Business Review: Remote Management
- Entrepreneur: Must Have Conversations
- Bloomberg: Jobless Claims
- Money Magazine: Rock Bottom
- NVCA: Outbreak Resources for VCs & Startups